Codeforces: B. Simple XML

The problem is from codeforces:

125B Codeforces: B. Simple XML algorithms beginner codeforces implementation python technical

The given input has no format errors, which makes it easy to solve because you don’t have to consider unregular situations such as tags are not nested correctly. I think most of the algorithms have to consider two cases, the starting tag “<a>” and ending tag “</a>”. For each starting tag, you increase the lvl by one, and for each ending tag, you decrease the level by one.

To print 2 * h number of spaces, in Python, you can use the built-in operations “*”, for example,

print "abc" * 4

gives the output abcabcabcabc

The straightforward implementation in Python is given below.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from sys import *

s = stdin.readline()

i = 0
j = len(s)
lvl = 0
while i < j:
    c = s[i]
    if c == '<':
        if s[i + 1] == '/':
            i += 1
            k = i + 1
            while s[k] != '>':
                k += 1
            tag = s[i + 1: k]
            lvl -= 2
            print " " * lvl + "<!--" + tag + ">"
            i = k
            k = i + 1
            while s[k] != '>':
                k += 1
            tag = s[i + 1: k]
            print " " * lvl + "<" + tag + ">"
            lvl += 2
            i = k
    i += 1

The short description of the algorithm shown above is analyse each tag “<a>” or “</a>” respectively. It is noted that the alternative to read from stdin other than raw_input() is using sys.stdin.readline(), as shown in the code.

However, using Regular expressions re in Python gives a much shorter code.

import re
for q in re.findall('.*?>',raw_input()):l-=q<'<0';print" "*l*2+q;l+=q>'<0'

The problem statements says that there is no space in the given input, therefore, you might also split the input by the delimiter “><“:

text = raw_input()[1:-1].split("><")

s = 0
for tag in text:
    if tag[0] == '/':
        s -= 1
        tag = tag[1:]
        print "%s</%s>"% ('  ' * s, tag)
        print "%s<%s>" % ('  ' * s, tag)
        s += 1

It is interesting to find that using Python, you can write many accepted solutions that look differently, and in just a few lines of code.

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