Hot Boot and Cold Boot on 8-bit Famiclone BBG-DOS

On 8-bit BBG Famicom clone, you can write assembly program and use basm.cmd (the BBG assembler) to compile into *.cmd executables.

The hot boot (similar to Ctrl+Alt+Del or pressing Reset button) has an memory entry $580f and the cold boot (the power button) has an memory entry at $5806. But I guess on BBG, there is no much difference comparing these two booting.

Therefore, to emulate the hot startup, save following into hot.asm and run basm /cmd hot.asm on BBGDOS prompt and this will give you a hot.cmd

org $8000
jmp $580f

Similarly, to emulate the code startup, save following into code.asm and run basm /cmd code.asm on BBGDOS prompt and this will give you a code.cmd

org $8000
jmp $5806

startup Hot Boot and Cold Boot on 8-bit Famiclone BBG-DOS 6502 8 bit assembly language beginner code code library console famicom hardware implementation memory programming languages tools / utilities

Pre-compiled hot.cmd cnt Hot Boot and Cold Boot on 8-bit Famiclone BBG-DOS 6502 8 bit assembly language beginner code code library console famicom hardware implementation memory programming languages tools / utilities and cold.cmd cnt Hot Boot and Cold Boot on 8-bit Famiclone BBG-DOS 6502 8 bit assembly language beginner code code library console famicom hardware implementation memory programming languages tools / utilities can be downloaded respectively, both zipped, less than 1KB (in fact, hot.cmd and cold.cmd both are 5 bytes only)

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