Iterative Computing Fib Number using Excel

The Fibonacci Number is very well known, probably due to its recursive definition. [read this]

In Excel, you can easily list the Fib series in the cells using drag and auto-complete technique.

All you have to do is enter first two values of the Fib numbers i.e. 1, 1 in one colume e.g. A1, A2. The next thing is enter the formula =A1+A2 in the next row e.g. A3. The A3 value will be computed immediately which shows 2.

The next step is drag the A3 down to as many as you want… The formulations for new cells will automatically be filled by Excel with adjustments. e.g. =A2+A3, =A3+A4 …and so on.

Isn’t this easy? 🙂

excel Iterative Computing Fib Number using Excel excel

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