Longest Increasing Sequence

The Longest Increasing Sequence (LIS) asks for the longest increasing sequence in a list of numbers. For example,  in the list 1, 6, 2, 5, 4, 7, the longest sequence would be 1, 2, 5, 7.

In this case, the greedy algorithm isn’t right, for example, the greedy algorithm in this case would give 1, 6, 7, the length is 3.

That is because the greedy approach will jeopardize the optimal solution by choosing a temporarily ‘best’ solution (and trapped in local optimal).

The Dynamic Programming (DP) can be used to solve this problem. The state transition formula (recursive) is:

tex_cfacae6b5a9bb5ee73656ff0e798a4b7 Longest Increasing Sequence algorithms beginner math programming languages python for tex_a5945c492c57bae3501bbb9b6ecf3c30 Longest Increasing Sequence algorithms beginner math programming languages python and tex_04a95540c2b4ac9110db010d93c4d881 Longest Increasing Sequence algorithms beginner math programming languages python and tex_be5b77611e5696d7e73a3dcc90e3949e Longest Increasing Sequence algorithms beginner math programming languages python
tex_97c8142493cc53b205ae78b58a2ee9f8 Longest Increasing Sequence algorithms beginner math programming languages python represents the answer up to the i-th number
tex_453daacb520b8e27f19f1ee4300715a6 Longest Increasing Sequence algorithms beginner math programming languages python represents the value of the i-th number.

The above DP equation is easy to write and easy to understand. It gives the general approach (divide and conquer) to split the problem into its smaller forms. The answers of each sub-problems are also part of the global optimal (part of the link) i.e. considering the shortest distance between three nodes, A, B and C. If the shortest path between A and C passes B, then the path between A and B or B and C must also be the optimal otherwise, it can be replaced and a better/shorter path will be found.

The Python solution to generate this solution is given below, which yields tex_8fb1f5024a605dc7737c61a8a376e067 Longest Increasing Sequence algorithms beginner math programming languages python complexity.

#!/usr/bin/env python

seq = [1, 7, 3, 5, 9, 4, 8]
f = len(seq) * [1]

for i in xrange(len(seq)):
    for j in xrange(i):
        if seq[j] < seq[i] and f[j] >= f[i]:
            f[i] = f[j] + 1

print max(f)

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