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Markdown Parser with API

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This page implements a Javascript Ajax calls the API to format the MarkDown source code.

The Markdown parser is done on the server side where the formatted HTML is sent back to your browser. Therefore, this can be seen as a handy tool to convert Markdown text to formatted HTML.

Sample Markdown Syntax Examples

Markdown Syntax Highlighting

#button {
	border: none;

Markdown Headers

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3 
#### Header 4 ####
##### Header 5 #####
###### Header 6 ######
Closing hash marks are optional on all levels

Markdown Bullet Lists

* Item
* Item
- Item
- Item
Mixed Lists:
1. Item
2. Item
   * Mixed
   * Mixed  
3. Item

Markdown Emphasis Texts

*Emphasize* _emphasize_
**Strong** __Strong__

Markdown Links

A [link]( "Title").

Markdown Preformatted Text

In Markdown, if you add 2 spaces at each line, the text will not be formatted.
  Begin each line with 
  two spaces or more to 
  make text look
  e x a c t l y 
  like  you  type i

Markdown Code block

This is a 
piece of code 
in a block

This too


Comments in Markdown are like these:
[//]: # (This may be the most platform independent comment)
[comment]: <> (This is a comment.)
[//]: <> (This is a comment.)
[comment]: <> (This is a comment.)
<!-- This is the right way to write markdown comment -->

Online Markdown API (Application Programming Interface)

The API following has a rate-limit 1 call per second. rocks!
It will return JSON-encoded data:
"<p>Markdown rocks!<\/p>"
If $_GET parameter s is not specified, this API will use the $_POST variable s instead.
curl -X POST -d "s=MarkDown Rocks!"

It is highly recommended to invoke the API via POST method, as it is more secure and allows you to pass more lengthy text. However, the $_GET API allows you to cache results via the CloudFlare edge servers for 1 hour. The lengthy text via GET passing may be blocked for security purposes by CloudFlare Web Firewall as it might be usually considered as suspicious or malicious i.e. SQL injection.

Markdown API Servers:

Four Servers are currently available. All API calls are subject to fair use policy. If you abuse the use, then your IP may be blocked permanently. Please note that if you pass the variable via $_GET, the API may be blocked by the CloudFlare Web Firewall e.g. suspicious SQL injection or malicious code.

  1. Load Balancer:

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