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Largest Delegations on Steem (Sorted By Vests/Steem Power)

This page retrives the top 100 delagations that are sorted by Steem Power/Vests in the past given date ranges (by default 7 days). With this tool, you can search for big delegation activies that happen on steem blockchain during a period. Please note that this tool only presents the existing active delegations, the undelegated activies will not appear in the result.

To check who you delegate your Steem Power to, you need this tool: Steem Delegatees Checker.
To check who delegate SP to you, you can use this tool instead: Steem Delegators Viewer.

Relevant post: SteemTools – the Most Delegated Accounts on the Steem Blockchain.
Steem Post: Online Tool: Steem Top 100 Delegations
Chinese Version: Steem 较大的代理情况.

From Date yyyy-mm-dd:

To Date yyyy-mm-dd:

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URL parameter: ?nocache

Top Delegations on Steem Blockchain - API (Application Programming Interface)

By default, the date1 and date2 are set to today. The API caches data for every 1 to 2 hours.
It will return JSON-encoded data that has the following fields: If $_GET parameter s is not specified, this API will use the $_POST variable id instead.
curl -X POST -d "date1=2017-10-11" -d "date2=2017-11-01"
date1 and date2 can be in any order, both specify the date range.

Steem API Servers

The following Steem API servers can be used free of charge, subject to fair use policy:
  1. Load Balancer:

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