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Steemit Reblog/Resteem Checker - Who Reblog/Resteem Your Posts?

中文版本在这里: SteemIt 谁转发了你的文章?

Those who reblog/resteem your posts must truly love you since Reblogging/Resteeming posts on Steemit do not have any rewards. This Steemit tool allows you to check who reblog/resteem your posts in the last 365 days. The API has also been provided to list each resteem. Features:

Created and maintained by @justyy,

View Other Steem Tools and APIs | Vote @justyy a Witness or Set @justyy as Proxy

URL parameter: ?nocache

STEEM ID: (URL parameter ?id=justyy)

List of Steemit Reblogs - API (Application Programming Interface)

We get massive API requests that flood the server therefore it is sad that we have to turn off most of the 'public' APIs. The API access might be offered if you contact @justyy with more details (e.g. what you need APIs for). The API offers great stability and performance.

The API following has a rate-limit 1 call per second.
It will return JSON-encoded array contains fields of author, account (Who reblog/resteem), timestamp, net_votes, title and permlink. If $_GET parameter s is not specified, this API will use the $_POST variable id instead.
curl -X POST -d "id=justyy"

SteemIt API Servers

You could use the following four SteemIt API servers globally (free of charge, subject to fair use policy):
  1. Load Balancer:

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