Codeforces: A. Soft Drinking

The problem is from codeforces:

151A Codeforces: A. Soft Drinking beginner codeforces implementation math python

Based on the Note, it is purely a math problem (the equations can be easily derived.)

The Python solution can be easily obtained.

#!/usr/bin/env python

s = raw_input().split(" ")

n = int(s[0])
k = int(s[1])
l = int(s[2])
c = int(s[3])
d = int(s[4])
p = int(s[5])
nl = int(s[6])
np = int(s[7])

total_drink = k * l
total_toasts1 = total_drink / nl
total_toasts2 = c * d
total_toasts3 = p / np

print min(total_toasts1, total_toasts2, total_toasts3) / n

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