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Total 839 Comments (1/34 Pages) - Older Comments

1. 2024-03-06 12:43:32 vas76 Comments on Script32: A Freeware to Convert VBScript/JScript/HTA to Executables:

What is really missing is the ability to change the icon and information about the version and copyright. Any program for replacing icons does not work with exe files that are compiled by Script32. The program stops working.

2. 2024-03-06 12:37:26 vas76 Comments on Script32: A Freeware to Convert VBScript/JScript/HTA to Executables:
No. ExeScript unpacks hta. This can be seen in Explorer.

3. 2023-12-10 23:49:38 ACMer Comments on Teaching Kids Programming - Different Algorithms to Check if a String is Palindrome:
which one?

4. 2023-11-08 19:53:53 ACMer Comments on How to Claim the Witness (Super Representative) Voting Rewards on Tron Blockchain using Node Js (Javascript)?:
Have you installed tron using "npm install -g tronweb"?

5. 2023-11-08 19:29:51 Tronex Comments on How to Claim the Witness (Super Representative) Voting Rewards on Tron Blockchain using Node Js (Javascript)?:
i copy ur code and replace: const TrxAccount = "Tron Account"; to trx address const AppKey = 'Your APP Key at Tron Grid' to app key const privateKey = 'Your Private Key (Active Key)'; to hex private key

6. 2023-11-08 19:24:50 ACMer Comments on How to Claim the Witness (Super Representative) Voting Rewards on Tron Blockchain using Node Js (Javascript)?:
Can you share your full source code ?

7. 2023-11-08 19:23:16 Tronex Comments on How to Claim the Witness (Super Representative) Voting Rewards on Tron Blockchain using Node Js (Javascript)?:
debi@DESKTOP-C4RTQTD:~/tronweb$ node worker.js /home/debi/tronweb/worker.js:33 if (tx.Error) { ^ TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Error') at /home/debi/tronweb/worker.js:33:12 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) Node.js v18.13.0 debi@DESKTOP-C4RTQTD:~/tronweb$

8. 2023-11-07 22:59:30 ACMer Comments on How to Claim the Witness (Super Representative) Voting Rewards on Tron Blockchain using Node Js (Javascript)?:
What errors do you see? It should work.

9. 2023-11-07 22:56:26 Tronex Comments on How to Claim the Witness (Super Representative) Voting Rewards on Tron Blockchain using Node Js (Javascript)?:
Hello, can you update this script for work with new version of tronweb and nodejs?

10. 2023-09-19 13:53:03 Aly Comments on How to Solve 403 Forbidden Error (Denied by Referer ACL) when Downloading Weibo Video?:
Copying and pasting the 403 error used to work before, but it no longer works

11. 2023-09-19 13:52:10 Aly Comments on How to Solve 403 Forbidden Error (Denied by Referer ACL) when Downloading Weibo Video?:
Antes funcionaba lo de copiar y pegar el error 403, pero ya no funciona

12. 2023-09-17 15:46:42 momomo Comments on How to Solve 403 Forbidden Error (Denied by Referer ACL) when Downloading Weibo Video?:
I tried copying and pasting the link the way it came out in the video, but I keep getting errors TT

13. 2023-09-06 10:48:50 Stefan Comments on [Software Review] - Search Everything:
I use WinFindr for this type of action. WinFindr allows you to search for files, folders, registry keys and registry entries with multiple search terms at the same time. You can also search using wildcards and regular expressions. And it is free.

14. 2023-09-02 10:54:53 MR RAJ Comments on Introduction to the Discord Cryptocurrency-Lookup-Bot!:
I started with 3000 then 60000. i wanted to withdraw my profit they demanding 90000 commission to release 13000 USDT That already showing that withdrawal completed but not received in my account. That is my life saving money so i had to seek answers from Rykabalan( then i discovered they are scams after reading comments here too . They also guide me to invest with a good company with good profit.

15. 2023-09-01 10:43:48 Anand Patel Comments on How to Send/Transfer USDT/USDD/USDC Tokens on Tron Blockchain using Tronweb (Javascript)?:
thanks a lot for this

16. 2023-08-27 10:43:09 chris Comments on C++ Function to Compute Numerical Integral Using Function Pointers:
#include #include #include using myFunc = std::function; // // definite integral for: interval a,b (with n steps) // double integral(myFunc f, double a, double b, int n = 100) { const double step = (b - a) / n; // width of each small rectangle double area = 0.0; // signed area for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const double & width = step; const double & height = f(a + (i + 0.5) * step); area += width * height; // sum up each small rectangle } return area; } int main() { myFunc f = [](double x) { return cos(x); } // our f(x) ; std::cout.precision(7); std::cout << integral(f, 0, M_PI / 2, 10); return 0; }

17. 2023-08-24 02:15:22 GishQj Comments on A Simple BASH Script to Search and Kill Processes By Name:
This thing killed my browser and said "Operation Not Permitted" like 2 times. I do not recommend using it. (because if you are logged in as admin it will probably kill something important)

18. 2023-08-11 13:20:05 Andy Globe Comments on What is LLVM? (Low-Level Virtual Machine):
Your effort in sharing this valuable information is truly appreciated. Please continue to provide us with more insightful content in the future.

19. 2023-07-11 10:30:58 ACMer Comments on How to use align-data-move SSE in Delphi XE3 ?:
Thank you very much for this. It has been a while since last time I coded in Delphi.

20. 2023-07-11 10:25:25 Dmytro Comments on How to use align-data-move SSE in Delphi XE3 ?:
// works fine in x86/x64 {$ALIGN 16] type Vector = record case Integer of 0: (dw: array[0..4-1]of Single); 8: (a: Extended); // 10 byte field to use alignment of record field end; function add4(const a, b: Vector): Vector; asm movaps xmm0, [a] movaps xmm1, [b] addps xmm0, xmm1 movaps [@result], xmm0 end; procedure test(); var dump: Integer; // 4 byte a, b: Vector; begin a.dw[0] := 1; b.dw[0] := 1; a := add4(a, b); // this works end;

21. 2023-06-17 06:01:58 luqmaan s Comments on Teaching Kids Programming - Max Number of Connected Components in a Directed Graph (Detonate the Maximum Bombs) via Recursive Depth First Search Algorithm:
This is an interesting video tutorial on teaching kids programming. The example of finding the maximum number of connected components in a directed graph using recursive depth-first search algorithm is well explained. It's a great way to introduce graph algorithms and recursion to young learners. Well done!

22. 2023-05-22 21:55:05 ACMer Comments on Bruteforce Algorithm to Find the Unique Positive Integer Whose Square has the form 1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_0 (Concealed Square):
Yes, in Python 3, we need // integer division, or we can convert to int by the int/floor/round function. Thank you!

23. 2023-05-22 20:45:34 Queneau Comments on Bruteforce Algorithm to Find the Unique Positive Integer Whose Square has the form 1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_0 (Concealed Square):
Hi, seems lack of '/' into line 9 and 10, replace by low = int(sqrt(1020304050607080900))//10 high = int(sqrt(1929394959697989900))//10 // are integer division have nice time with python

24. 2023-04-24 20:43:55 ACMer Comments on 4 Reasons to Upgrade the CloudFlare Free Plan to Pro:
Yes, I have continued the Pro plans and even added one more for one of my domains.

25. 2023-04-24 20:06:43 igre Comments on 4 Reasons to Upgrade the CloudFlare Free Plan to Pro:
risk of hacking... i will buy pro

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