Docker, Virtual Machines (VMs) and Kubernetes (K8s)

docker Docker, Virtual Machines (VMs) and Kubernetes (K8s) cloud computing Docker interview questions knowledgebase Kubernetes


Docker vs. Virtual Machines (VMs)

Overview: Both Docker and VMs are used for deploying and running applications in isolated environments, but they do so differently.

Docker (Containers)

  • Lightweight: Containers share the host OS kernel, making them more lightweight and faster to start up than VMs.
  • Isolation: Docker provides process-level isolation, meaning multiple containers can run on a single OS instance without interference.
  • Efficiency: Containers use fewer resources since they share the OS and only package the application and its dependencies.

VMs/Virtual Machines

  • Heavyweight: Each VM includes a full OS instance, along with virtualized hardware, which makes them more resource-intensive.
  • Isolation: VMs provide complete isolation, with each VM having its own OS. This can be more secure but is less efficient.
  • Use Cases: VMs are suitable for running multiple OS types on the same host and are ideal for legacy applications requiring full OS-level isolation.

Summary: Docker containers are more efficient and faster to deploy, whereas VMs offer greater isolation and are better suited for diverse OS requirements.

What is Kubernetes (K8s)?

Overview: Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source platform for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

Key Features:

  • Orchestration: Kubernetes manages clusters of containers across multiple hosts, handling tasks like scaling, networking, and fault tolerance.
  • Self-Healing: It automatically restarts failed containers and reschedules them if a node fails, ensuring high availability.
  • Scalability: K8s can automatically scale applications based on demand, adding or removing containers as needed.
  • Use Case: Kubernetes is ideal for managing complex, distributed applications at scale, making it a popular choice for microservices architectures.

TLDR; this post shows the technical differences and the practical applications of Docker, VMs, and Kubernetes, which is crucial in system design and cloud-native environments.

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