45 Minute Mock Interview (Coding, System Design) + Career Development Advices

Many major tech companies, including FANG (Facebook/Meta, Apple, Netflix, Google) and Microsoft, require multiple rounds of interviews before extending a job offer. These typically include coding, system design, and behavioral assessments to evaluate cultural fit.

I’m offering 45-minute mock interviews to help you prepare for coding and system design rounds. With my experience as an interviewer at Amazon (AWS, S3 Object Lambda), I will guide you through realistic practice sessions. In the coding mock interview, you’ll work through one or two coding problems, while in the system design interview, you’ll outline a scalable product on a whiteboard.

Additionally, I’m available for 45-minute sessions to discuss any topics, including career development and advice.

If you’re interested, please click here.

Of course, these are paid sessions – to compensate for my time.

mocked-interviews 45 Minute Mock Interview (Coding, System Design) + Career Development Advices Engineering interview questions interviews Microsoft Software Engineering

Mocked Coding/System Deisgn Intervies and Career Advices

PS: I think the idea of integrating the Online Shop to “Buy Me a Coffee” is great. The content creators can focous on creating valuable contents (posts/videos etc) and being rewarded by the subscribers! At the meantime, the content creators can sell “stuffs” (digital arts similar to NFT, pictures, videos, or the consultation, mock interviews, career advice) via the “Extra” which is a Online Shop. Join Buy me a Coffee and create your own page!

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