Hunting Down The Mythical High-Quality Code

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Coding considerations for online gaming

Choosing the right career path can be a bit difficult. If you love building software or apps, then a computer science degree may be just what you need. Studies show that computer science majors make nearly 40 percent more on average upon entering the job market.

In order to become a successful programmer, you will need to focus on writing high-quality and bug-free code. Using tools like Papertrail Tail Logging is a great way to discover coding mistakes and fix them. Most programmers fail to realize that Papertrail Tail Logging lets you tail all of your log files, which makes it much easier to find coding errors within the software or apps you develop.

Are you looking for a way to increase the quality of your code? If so, read the following tips on how to make your code easier to read and more effective.

The Benefits of Writing Clean Code

Most newcomers to the world of coding fail to realize just how important writing clean code is. When taking the time to make your code cleaner, you will be able to find problems and fix them with ease. An experienced programmer understands that the code they write should be intentional and elegant.

Taking the time to make your code easier to read can also help you avoid problems during the maintenance of a particular program. The last thing you want is to spend hours on end following a rabbit hole of bad code. With cleaner code, you will also be able to communicate the purpose of an app or software program more effectively.

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Work on Using Descriptive Names

Some new programmers get so hung up on functions, classes and variables that they fail to realize why these things are used in the world of software and app development. In essence, the aforementioned names are used by a programmer to show the logic of their app or software program.

If you fail to use descriptive names for the classes or functions of your code, it will make it very hard to relay what your intentions are. Being too vague with your descriptions can lead to a lot of confusion. Rather than abbreviating various class or variable names, trying writing them completely out. While this will take up more room, it will also be helpful to programmers who have to go behind you to maintain the program over time.

Choose a Mentor and Study Their Code

If you are new to coding, the best way to learn is by practicing and studying under a mentor. Choosing a programmer that has lots of experience and a proven track record of writing clean code is essential. By studying their code, you can develop an understanding of the various nuances that make code clean and high-quality.

There are also a number of open source coding projects online that you can check out. These projects are a great way to learn from other programmer’s mistakes.

Avoid Giving a Class/Function Multiple Purposes

One of the worst feelings a programmer can have is looking inside of a function and seeing that the code it contains is thousands of lines long. Instead of bestowing this horror on another programmer, you need to focus on only assigning a single purpose the classes or functions inside of your app or software program.

Some programmers think that doing this makes their code too simple. When asking any experienced programmer, they will surely tell you that simpler is better when it comes to code. By focusing on making your code simple, you can ensure that programmers who have to maintain the program in the future will be able to do so with ease.

Delete Any Unnecessary Code Right Away

Often times, code will go through a number of different versions before a programmer is truly happy with it. During this different variations, there may be a bit of unnecessary code written in to fill space or to test the program. Some programmers have a habit of commenting out a piece of code and then rewriting it complete just below where the original piece was.

Leaving the old code in place will not only take up a lot of room, it can be very confusing for other programmers. Instead of leaving commented out blocks of unneeded code in place, you need to delete it to make your code more readable and easy to understand.

Pick a Coding Style and Stick to It

Many newcomers to the world of coding will watch various online tutorials to hone their skills. While these videos can be helpful, they can also lead to a new programmer developing a number of conflicting habits. Instead of developing these habits, you need to decide what your coding style will be and stick to it.

Becoming a great programmer is not an overnight process. With years of practice, you will be able to develop high-quality code.

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