Adding IFTTT to SteemIt

IFTTT (If this then that) is popular service that connects many internet applications. What can the users do if there is a IFTTT channel? The imagination is unlimited. For example, we can:

  • Get comments via phone messages
  • Synchronize posts via RSS feed to your blog or vice versa.
  • Say thanks to somebody via Wallet when you are delegated SP.
  • Upvoting or downvoting when a certain condition is met.
  • Comment on your friends on their birthday.
  • etc, etc.

As the IFTTT has two parts: This and That. This is the trigger part, so Steemit needs to provide a list of APIs that could be easily notified i.e. events that are triggered. That is the action, for example, Post/Comment on steem blockchain, upvoting/downvoting, sending SBD via wallet etc.

I believe this is the game changer for Steemit if steemit wants to play a bigger role in the social network, blockchain or whatever. With IFTTT/Steem, there is a great potential and there are so many interesting stuffs we can connect Steemit to the other internet applications. Currently, steemit doesn’t have a ‘service on IFTTT.

ifttt Adding IFTTT to SteemIt IFTTT SteemIt

If this then that (IFTTT)

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