Adsense Brings The Page-Level Ads

Login to Adsense and it says there are new experimental features: the page-level ads.

page-level-ads Adsense Brings The Page-Level Ads adsense


Anchor/overlay ads Mobile only

The Anchor/overlay ads shows a fixed ads on mobile devices, which doesn’t scroll when the page scrolls.

anchor-overlay-ads Adsense Brings The Page-Level Ads adsense


Vignette Ads

The Vignette Ads shows a full-screen ads on mobile devices when suitable to do so. Users can dismiss by clicking the X button on the top-right screen. This ads, in my opinion is very intrusive which is not very user friendly.

vignette-ads Adsense Brings The Page-Level Ads adsense


These two types of ads do not count towards the maximum-3-units per page. It can be globally controlled in the Adsense control panel. To use these, simply turn the switches on and copy the HTML code to the head tag.

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