Codeforces: 239A. Two Bags of Potatoes

The problem is from codeforces:

239A Codeforces: 239A. Two Bags of Potatoes algorithms beginner brute force codeforces greedy algorithm implementation java programming languages python

It is a simple math problem: finding the numbers x that satisify tex_b0a4fdf49d0830184730581cd795a1af Codeforces: 239A. Two Bags of Potatoes algorithms beginner brute force codeforces greedy algorithm implementation java programming languages python where y, k, and n are given; tex_7d1e348c2c23d8ca4945c44ad070c144 Codeforces: 239A. Two Bags of Potatoes algorithms beginner brute force codeforces greedy algorithm implementation java programming languages python


y, k, n = map(int, raw_input().split())
L = [xy - y for xy in range(0, n + 1, k) if xy > y]
if L : print ' '.join(map(str, L))
else : print -1


start = y+(k-y%k)
for i in range(start,n+1,k):
if len(l):
    for x in l :
        print x-y,
    print -1

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