Passive Income: Staking TRX on Tron Blockchain and Earn Voting Rewards (4.8% APR)

Earn Passive Income TRX on Tron Blockchain By Staking and Voting

Here is the simple way to earn passive income (TRX) on TRON Blockchain:

  1. Stake or Lock TRX. It takes 14 days to unlock (Staking Model v2.0). You can do it in tronlink wallet (chrome extension) or tron-cli. Or you can do this automatically and programatically: see: Automate Freeze (Stake) Balance on Tron Blockchain using NodeJs with TronWeb/TronGrid
  2. Voting SR (Super Representatives or Witnesses). Make sure you vote those SRs who share 100% of the voting rewards.
  3. Claim Rewards via Tronscan or automatically automatically via: How to Claim the Witness (Super Representative) Voting Rewards on Tron Blockchain using Node Js (Javascript)?, you can claim once per 24 hours.

Here is an example: Staked 155,177 and daily rewards is about 20.75 TRX. So the APR% is 20.75*365/155177=4.88%

trx-passive-income-by-staking Passive Income: Staking TRX on Tron Blockchain and Earn Voting Rewards (4.8% APR) blockchain Cryptocurrency Passive Income Tron Blockchain TRX

Daily TRX Passive Income on TRON Blockchain – 4.8% APR shown on Tronlink Wallet

Defi: Stake and Earn on TRON Blockchain

This is DeFi (Decentralize Finance) – as you don’t need to send TRX to Centralize Exchange (who might go bankrupt or hacked). You still have access Keys (Primary Keys) to your funds (accounts), so the FUNDS are SAFE. The only risk is that your funds are locked for 14 days.

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whale-300x200 Passive Income: Staking TRX on Tron Blockchain and Earn Voting Rewards (4.8% APR) blockchain Cryptocurrency Passive Income Tron Blockchain TRX

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  • You can swap the STEEM/SBD to Tether USDT (TRC-20) via steem2usdt!
  • You can swap the STEEM/SBD to TRX (TRON) via steem2trx!
  • You can swap the STEEM/SBD to BTS (BitShares) via steem2bts!
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  • Steem Blockchain Explorer!

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