Introduction to Shielded Contracts on Blockchain (EVM, TVM)

Introduction to Shielded Contracts

A shielded contract refers to a contract that provides enhanced privacy features. It allows the details of transactions, such as sender, receiver, and amount, to be encrypted. The use of shielded contracts can be found in various blockchain platforms, and their main objective is to offer privacy to the users.

Tron, introduced shielded transactions inspired by the zk-SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge) technology, which is also used in privacy coins like Zcash. This means Tron can allow for transactions where the sender, receiver, and amount can be hidden.

For an illustrative purpose, let’s take a hypothetical example of a shielded contract on Tron:

  • Alice wants to send 100 TRX to Bob without revealing the transaction amount or their addresses.
  • Alice will initiate a shielded transaction using a shielded contract on the Tron network.

The contract will use zk-SNARKs to verify the transaction without revealing the specifics of the transaction. The network will only know that a valid transaction took place, not the details.

Bob will receive the 100 TRX, but if someone tries to look up this transaction on the Tron blockchain, they won’t see the sender’s address, the receiver’s address, or the amount. All these details are encrypted and obscured.

Keep in mind that this is a very basic and illustrative example. In practice, using shielded transactions involves generating proofs and shielded addresses, which is more complex.

To utilize shielded contracts in Tron or any other feature, it’s essential to refer to the official documentation or platforms supporting the blockchain for up-to-date and detailed steps.

Example Sheild Contracts on TRON Blockchain (TVM)

Tron’s main smart contract language is Solidity, similar to Ethereum. If you are looking for a specific example of how a shielded contract might look in Solidity on Tron, it’s a bit complex due to the intricacies of implementing zk-SNARKs in smart contracts. Implementing such features often requires a combination of on-chain and off-chain components.

However, here is a basic illustrative structure for such a contract. Keep in mind, this is a high-level abstraction and may not be directly implementable:

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
contract ShieldedTransfer {
    // This would typically include cryptographic elements 
    // related to zk-SNARKs like commitments, nullifiers, etc.
    struct ShieldedTx {
        bytes32 commitment;
        bytes32 nullifier;
    mapping(bytes32 => ShieldedTx) public shieldedTxs;
    // This is just a placeholder function to represent a shielded transfer
    // In reality, you'd need zk-SNARK circuit verifications, which is 
    // non-trivial and requires specific cryptographic libraries.
    function shieldedSend(bytes32 _commitment, bytes32 _nullifier) public {
        ShieldedTx memory newTx = ShieldedTx({
            commitment: _commitment,
            nullifier: _nullifier
        shieldedTxs[_commitment] = newTx;
    // ... Other functions to handle shielded verifications, spend proofs, etc.
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract ShieldedTransfer {

    // This would typically include cryptographic elements 
    // related to zk-SNARKs like commitments, nullifiers, etc.
    struct ShieldedTx {
        bytes32 commitment;
        bytes32 nullifier;

    mapping(bytes32 => ShieldedTx) public shieldedTxs;

    // This is just a placeholder function to represent a shielded transfer
    // In reality, you'd need zk-SNARK circuit verifications, which is 
    // non-trivial and requires specific cryptographic libraries.
    function shieldedSend(bytes32 _commitment, bytes32 _nullifier) public {
        ShieldedTx memory newTx = ShieldedTx({
            commitment: _commitment,
            nullifier: _nullifier
        shieldedTxs[_commitment] = newTx;
    // ... Other functions to handle shielded verifications, spend proofs, etc.

In practice, truly implementing shielded transactions involves creating and verifying zero-knowledge proofs. The Solidity contract would have to interact with zk-SNARK libraries, and there would need to be trusted setups, etc. The actual implementation is significantly more complex than this illustrative example.

If you are serious about developing such a contract, you’d likely need to reference specialized zk-SNARK libraries, and it might be beneficial to work with cryptographic experts or teams that have experience in privacy-enhancing technologies on the blockchain.

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