Faster PI Computation

In [here], two equations are used and compare the efficiency of computation of the math constant tex_af13d5f3905a7f5cfa284795beaccdb6 Faster PI Computation algorithms beginner implementation math programming languages python . The following are some commonly-used equations to compute the tex_af13d5f3905a7f5cfa284795beaccdb6 Faster PI Computation algorithms beginner implementation math programming languages python

computepi Faster PI Computation algorithms beginner implementation math programming languages python

We pick the third one and multiple by two on both sides of the equations.

tex_db5ef3e1444f66615b2928bca5d65b01 Faster PI Computation algorithms beginner implementation math programming languages python

And, similar to [here], we use the following Python script to see how this equation converges.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from math import *

EPSILON = 0.001
step = 0
ans = 2
z = 2
a = 1.0
b = 3

while 1:
    z = z * a / b
    ans += z
    a += 1
    b += 2
    step += 1
    if abs(pi - ans) <= EPSILON:
    print step, ans, abs(pi - ans)

This gives the quickest convergence among the three.

1 2.66666666667 0.474925986923
2 2.93333333333 0.208259320256
3 3.04761904762 0.0939736059707
4 3.09841269841 0.0431799551771
5 3.1215007215 0.0200919320891
6 3.13215673216 0.00943592143306
7 3.13712953713 0.00446311646026
8 3.13946968065 0.00212297294364
9 3.14057816968 0.00101448390946

Only 9 iterations are required to reach a accuracy of 0.001. We use builtin native types (precision of double), the accuracy is limited. We can use arrays to hold the results with a higher number of digits. We can stimulate the process of computation. The following is a Python script that uses arrays (long arithmetic) to compute the tex_af13d5f3905a7f5cfa284795beaccdb6 Faster PI Computation algorithms beginner implementation math programming languages python . The 1000 digits can be easily obtained.

#!/usr/bin/env python

def compute(len):
    x = [0] * len
    z = [0] * len
    x[1] = z[1] = 2
    a = 1; b = 3
    while True:
        # z *= a
        d = 0
        j = len - 1
        while j > 0:
            c = z[j] * a + d
            z[j] = c % 10
            d = c / 10
            j -= 1
        # z /= b
        d = 0
        for j in xrange(len):
            c = z[j] + d * 10
            z[j] = c / b
            d = c % b
        # x += z
        run = 0
        j = len - 1
        while j > 0:
            c = x[j] + z[j]
            x[j] = c % 10
            x[j - 1] += c / 10
            run |= z[j]
            j -= 1
        if not run:
        a += 1
        b += 2
    return "".join(map(str, x))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print compute(1000)


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