How to Add [Move To] and [Copy To] Options in Right Click Menu?

If you want to copy/move selected files/folders to another folder, you need to first Ctrl+X (move, cut) or Ctrl+C (copy) and then go to the destination folder, and paste (Ctrl+V). Alternatively, if you are an experienced user, you can launch the CMD shell and type in move or copy command like this:

copy c:\a.txt d:\
copy c:\a.txt d:\

This command copies the file at C:\a.txt to directory D:\. Change to move for move operations. You could use *.jpg to select multiple files that have similar file pattern. However, in single command, it is not possible to choose arbitrary multiple files, such as a.txt and b.jpeg. The quickest way is to select files/folders and prompt immediately the destination folder, which can be added to the right click menu.

Like this post, you would need to modify the Windows Registry. Save the following text using your favourite text editor (e.g. notepad) as *.reg and double click the file to enter the information into Windows Registry. The following enables a [Copy To] in right click menu.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Similarly, the following adds a [Move To] Option in the right click menu.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


right-click-copy-move-to-folder-options How to Add [Move To] and [Copy To] Options in Right Click Menu? tools / utilities tricks windows


After you select the files/folders, click both options will prompt you the folder-selection:

move-to-folder How to Add [Move To] and [Copy To] Options in Right Click Menu? tools / utilities tricks windows

Windows Folder Selector

This method works on most versions, such as WinXP, Win Vista, Win7, Win8 (Win8.1). I have not tested yet on other platforms such as Win95, Win98 and Win10.

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