How To Block Google Domains in Adsense?

Google also advertises itself through adsense. The CPC (Cost Per Click) is very low compared to others. The adsense usually shows google advs if there are no better matches. To improve your CPC, you can choose not to show google advs. For example,

google-adsense How To Block Google Domains in Adsense? adsense tricks

Google advs in adsense example

The approach is to go to your adsense account, and navigate to [allowed and blocked ads], on the left explorer, you can choose [all sites] (recommended) or some particular website. Then you can copy all google domains into the text box on the right hand side.

google-domain-blocked-adsense How To Block Google Domains in Adsense? adsense tricks

Block google domains in adsense

Now, click the button [block URLs] and all google advs are scheduled to be filtered out soon. However, you can block multiple sites at once but when you want to unblock them, you have to do it one by one. There is no way to unblock multiple sites at one click [bad user experiences].

The complete Google domains can be found at [here].

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