How to Check Debugger Present in Delphi?

It is not easy to debug multithreading application because of threads jumping and interleaving each other. When I was debugging some algorithms, I always change the application setting to single threaded.

Things could be a lot easier. Delphi has a IsDebuggerPresent function that declares the Win32 API.

unit Windows;
function IsDebuggerPresent: boolean; external 'kernel32.dll';   

It can be used to detect if IDE or debugger is present. Therefore, I could just add the following code:

if (IsDebuggerPresent) then ThreadNumber := 1;

The above code allows you to force debug single-threaded application and you don’t need to change any single line of code when you want to deploy your application as multithreading. The compiler directive check {$IFDEF DEBUG} makes sure the above code only is injected to the production binaries which is RELEASE mode.

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