Leetcode Online Judge Does Not Support Boost Library for C++ Solutions

I am doing a C++ coding exercise, as usual…. And to split a string in C++, the best/easy way is to use the boost library… However, this is not supported on leetcode online judge…

cpp-and-boost-leetcode-online-judge Leetcode Online Judge Does Not Support Boost Library for C++ Solutions c / c++ leetcode online judge online judge string timus


C++ without boost library, is a bit hard to learn and use.

cpp-hard-to-learn Leetcode Online Judge Does Not Support Boost Library for C++ Solutions c / c++ leetcode online judge online judge string timus


How to Split a String by Delimiter in C++ using Boost Library?

Take this for example, you can easily use boost::split to split a string into vector of string by a set of delimiters, like this:

#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
vector<string> str;
boost::split(str, "string to , split", boost::is_any_of(" ,"));
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
vector<string> str;
boost::split(str, "string to , split", boost::is_any_of(" ,"));

This is straightforward and easy to use, similar to other modern programming languages. I hope the boost library can be used by the leetcode and also other online judges e.g. Timus. As it brings conveniences and avoids re-inventing the wheel. It allows us to focus on solving the puzzles. However, this can be disabled for coding exercises related to e.g. implementing the string split function.

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