Separate the Logics from the Presentation

In software designing, it is often a good practice to separate the logics from the presentation. For example, the PHP Smarty framework allows defining templates for presentation and processed by PHP logics. In a large project, where the logics and presentations are separated, the benefits are significant. For example, there will be experts who are specialised in GUI design while others focus the logics e.g. computation, algorithms etc.
Recently, I developed a command-line utility which easily converts *.js, *.vbs or *.hta into Win32/Win64 executables. It also supports configuration of using CScript.exe, WScript.exe or Script Control.

At first, only the logics are developed. The Script32.exe is a flexible powerful command-line tool. However, as someone fancy the GUI, later, I also have implemented a GUI using .NET4 framework. Now the advantages are two-fold. Lazy people can use the GUI easily to convert a batch of files. The *nix fans can also use the command-line tool to configure the parameters.

gui Separate the Logics from the Presentation beginner c # GUI implementation non-technical software design tools / utilities

GUI presentation layer of script32.exe, Convert Scripts to EXE (32/64-bit) VBScript/Javascript/HTA

Visit here to download it.

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