Simple Method to Insert Math Equations in SteemIt MarkDown Editor

SteemIt Markdown Editor does not support Latex easily. But one alternative (workaround) is to use the Google Tex Image URL. In particular I like Markdown and Latex because it is what-you-think is what-you-get.

I am a math fan, in my last post, I realized that inserting equations in SteemIt Markdown or HTML editor is a pain. The fact is that the Latex is not supported in the SteemIt Markdown editor.

In Latex, we use $$ or $ to begin a math equation, but it doesn’t work in SteemIt editor, obviously.

$$ \sum_{i=1}^{100} f(i^2) $$

We can use the Google API to show the image by inputing a math equation in the URL: The documentation can be found here.

We need to replace the following MATH-Equation with your intended math equation.


For example,


It shows:

tex_3fd8faabab4424ffaba9cacf239c0624 Simple Method to Insert Math Equations in SteemIt MarkDown Editor latex math SteemIt

What the hell is the %2B in the URL? You will need to percentage-encode the URL parameters as some symbols represent special meanings in URL.

Here, I recommend this online tool (written by me) to encode the equation/text.

For example:

$$ \sum_{i=1}^{100} f(i^2) $$

after URL-encoded, becomes:


and the final image URL to insert is:

This is how it looks:

tex_9ace78bfcf250dbeea39b84158e8220a Simple Method to Insert Math Equations in SteemIt MarkDown Editor latex math SteemIt

I do hope that the SteemIt team supports Latex in the Markdown one day!

You may also like: 如何在 SteemIt MarkDown 编辑器里添加数学公式?

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  1. Ben

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