SteemVBS – Yes, It is VBScript

SteemVBS is the first Steem Library written in VBScript. Yes, it is VBScript. 😉

Why VBS?

VBScript is my favorite. It is not dead. VBScript comes with almost every Windows since Win98. With COM support, the language is neat and can do almost anything.

Steem library has been ported to many high-level and modern languages e.g. Steem-Python, Steem-JS. Nowadays, the VBScript is still being used by many network administrators on Windows. SteemVBS aims to provide a easy interface to Steem Blockchain using VBScript.

However, Coding in VBScript may be sometimes quite tricky considering VBScript lacks of modern features (the last update was a bug fix almost 20 years ago).


Fully open source:
Submit PR or Issue.


Currently, what SteemVBS does is quite limited, except getting the account information.

Class Steem is declared in lib\steem.vbs and you can do something like this

Dim SteemIt
Set SteemIt = (New Steem)("")

WScript.Echo SteemIt.Node
SteemIt.Node = ""
WScript.Echo SteemIt.Node

Dim Account
Set Account = SteemIt.GetAccount("justyy")
WScript.Echo Account("voting_power")

To run the example:

cscript.exe /Nologo steem.wsf examples\account.vbs
steemvbs SteemVBS - Yes, It is VBScript SteemIt vbscript


Unit Tests

VBS Unit tests can be run via:

cscript.exe /Nologo tests.wsf tests\test_account.vbs


Most of the features of Steem-Js and Steem-Python will be brought in.


This library is under development. Beware.

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Some of my contributions: SteemIt Tools, Bots, APIs and Tutorial

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