Teaching Kids Programming – Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y

Teaching Kids Programming: Videos on Data Structures and Algorithms

Given the following two equations:

tex_88a16a832fcbbb4a5365bc7ec87a4504 Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video
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We can work on the X or Y in one equation and then substitue it in another equation. For example: from Equation 1, we know tex_7d5341564c90de3a74b54dd4192951e1 Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video and we can plug in x into the second equation.

Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y

Let’s put the coefficients of the above equations into the following matrix:

tex_b34c2de9a5142a584bc9c359a2c829d0 Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video

And then we can transform the above equations of x and y into the following matrix multiplication equation:

tex_c391d552edd68c311a03a784bb510f6d Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video

How to Multiply Two Matrix?

Remember the multiplication rule for Matrix A times B: dot product of the rows of A with the columns of B. Thus, if the Matrix dimension for A is rows1, cols1, and the Matrix B has dimension rows2, cols2, then cols1 = rows2.

For example:

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In general tex_9c3d029b9a3fd39947f616bf85d860b6 Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video for Matrix Multiplication.

Identity Matrix

Identity Matrix (IM) is the Matrix with all ones in the diagonals and zeros elsewhere. For example, the following is a 2×2 Identity Matrix:

tex_604ab295212b7f769fc503697b20a580 Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video

With the above matrix multiplication rules, we know that: tex_e025fd03c145683f1d587bbc22c46b24 Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video for Matrix A, where I is the identity matrix.

How to Get Inverse of Matrix?

The inverse of a Matrix A is denoted as tex_d866fb421799ffd9586b9b970253de82 Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video such that: tex_78ead14d079db70d966e5dc715380b6f Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video where I is the identity matrix.

We want to find out the x in matrix equation tex_c08aa9e263fe04f9a6cde67a6a59a90e Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video thus we can multiply the Inverse of Matrix tex_d866fb421799ffd9586b9b970253de82 Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video in both sides:

tex_cc2b939fba611535bf3dc4c03dc71681 Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video which becomes tex_825d9ddf17de6fba733b3ebfe484a1bd Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video and then tex_8e038f6f84557132b6bd3ceb1b20819a Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video

For a 2×2 Matrix:

tex_f2853bbb7094e339aaae91e38f39639f Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video

The inverse for Matrix A is:

tex_0588403cfa30a40caf48f157976a4bdc Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video

where tex_4ac85332bbb0926e544e00411f0a6050 Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video is called the determinant for 2×2 Matrix.

Let’s practice above to solve the original equations:

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tex_19770fde0ef455d6459afb4b65271571 Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video
tex_a3ce02d8d2b61fe8a7969e1b83d553c7 Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video
tex_13d98f0a091803111027c7b709c0f4b0 Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video

Thus, for the original equations: the solutions are tex_534133af40db44dca959d03ed0c552b6 Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video and tex_a17e6269e1e44a03cfb464258ce5c402 Teaching Kids Programming - Linear Algebra: Using Matrix to Solve Equations of X and Y algorithms math Matrix teaching kids programming youtube video

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