The bitand in Matlab

To be honest, I am not a fan of Matlab but I sometimes have to use matlab to plot nice figures for publications.

If you are a ‘traditional’ C-like programmers, you must be very familiar with the bit and and conditional (logic) and, which is often used as ‘&’ and ‘&&’ respectively.

However, this is so what different in Matlab. In Matlab, the single and double & both corresponds to conditions however the double ones uses a ‘short-circuit’ evaluation which means if the first boolean expression is false, then the second expression will not be evaluated. The single &, however, will evaluate both disregard their values.

In order to do a bit ‘and’ (which applies to two integers), you have to use the function bitand. The same principle goes to bitor (instead of | or ||), and bitxor, if you want to do bit ‘or’, or exclusive ‘or’.

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