Upgrading to Delphi 10 Seattle (XE10)

Delphi is now owned by Embarcadero. It is not dead yet and quite active: they have 3 releases this year. The last release was at 1/June which is XE8 and as of 1st Sept, they released the latest version Delphi 10 Seattle (you can treat it as XE10).

The Version of XE8 is VER290 and the Version for Delphi 10 is VER300. Like Microsoft Windows, the version 9 is skipped and jumping directly to Windows 10. There is no XE9 and the rumor says it is the last major version of Delphi as well. The future updates will be pushed to the users who purchase the update subscription.

Dear Embarcadero Customer,

Embarcadero Technologies is pleased to announce the release of RAD Studio 10 Seattle, Delphi 10 Seattle and C++Builder 10 Seattle.

This release is available to XE8 users with an active Update Subscription. Starting with version 10, users on Update Subscription are not required to have version 10 specific serial numbers and licenses. As long as Update Subscription is current, the existing license is automatically updated for new releases.


Download the 10 Seattle installer
C++Builder 10 Seattle – http://altd.embarcadero.com/download/radstudio/10/cbuilder10_esd.exe
Delphi 10 Seattle – http://altd.embarcadero.com/download/radstudio/10/delphi10_esd.exe
RAD Studio 10 Seattle – http://altd.embarcadero.com/download/radstudio/10/radstudio10_esd.exe
On machines with an active internet connection and XE8 installed, run the installer to obtain version 10 Seattle
On machines with an active internet connection without XE8 installed, run the installer and provide your XE8 license information when prompted to obtain version 10 Seattle
Network license users will need updated client licenses from their license server administrator
On machines with restricted or no internet access refer to the offline installation instructions in the Installation Notes link below
Installation Notes: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/Installation_Notes

To learn about the new features of the new products, please use the following links:

RAD Studio 10 Seattle: http://www.embarcadero.com/products/rad-studio/whats-new
Delphi 10 Seattle: http://www.embarcadero.com/products/delphi/whats-new
C++Builder 10 Seattle: http://www.embarcadero.com/products/cbuilder/whats-new

If you have any questions about the installation or registration, please log an installation/registration case at https://support.embarcadero.com/forms.
Thank you for being an Embarcadero Update Subscription customer and for choosing Embarcadero software development tools.


The Embarcadero RAD Studio Team

Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. | www.embarcadero.com
275 Battery Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94111 U.S.A.

Our records indicate that your Update Subscription is current as of the date of this email. If your contract expires after you receive this email, you will not be entitled to the new upgrade of the software.

Upgrade file size is around 40MB, the upgrade requires an internet connection.

RAD10-upgrade Upgrading to Delphi 10 Seattle (XE10) delphi tools / utilities


Splash form is pretty.

delphi-10-seattle Upgrading to Delphi 10 Seattle (XE10) delphi tools / utilities


The about dialog. Wondering if there are eastern eggs?

delphi-10-about Upgrading to Delphi 10 Seattle (XE10) delphi tools / utilities


First Reviews

The same code-base, Delphi 2007 compiles 300K lines of code within 3 seconds, Delphi XE8 5 seconds and Delphi 10 around 7 seconds (kinda slower). But the code generated by XE8 and 10 are roughly the same file-size.

The Delphi 10 is LAA (Large Address Aware) enabled meaning that the IDE can handle up to 4GB RAM on 64-bit Computer, which is just what I need. Previously, opening a large project often yields a out-of-memory error (simply because the IDE can only eat up to 1.5GB RAM without the LAA enabled).

The Delphi 10 start-up speed is fast and opening a large project is fast as well.

There is a website: isdelphidead.com and the answer is simply NO.

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GD Star Rating
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The Permanent URL is: Upgrading to Delphi 10 Seattle (XE10)


  1. Joseph

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