WordPress Hosting Services You Can’t DIY

If you happen to be using WordPress for your website, there’s no doubt that you’re familiar with the fact that there are types of hosting; each with its own unique set of qualities. Generally, there are three types of hosting; shared web hosting, managed WordPress hosting, and DIY hosts. But, here we will be addressing hosting in terms of two categories: hosting provided by a professional service VS self-provided hosting. When you look at it for the first time, you may think that hosting your own website is the best option; nothing can be cheaper or more efficient, right? Well, not entirely. The difference is that there are some services and features professional hosting companies can offer that you can’t provide for yourself.

wordpress WordPress Hosting Services You Can't DIY vps webhosting wordpress


Maintenance and Troubleshooting

When you subscribe to a plan with a company, you don’t only pay for the hosting service; you’re also paying for other perks. If you’re hosting your own website, then your server crashes, or you start facing troubles with your website’s speeds/response time. What would you do? You’d have to do your research, and look through millions of websites for information. Then, go through a process of trial and error to fix your problem. On the other hand, with a company hosting your WordPress website, you won’t have to do anything. If a problem occurs, they have experts who handle this type of problems for a living. Plus, companies regularly maintain their servers to make sure they’re operating at maximum efficiency. For DIY hosts, it’ll depend on how much time and experience you have.

Cloud Hosting

As with all things in life, web traffic tends to be unpredictable. It can go from a plunge to a peak without warning. When the traffic load increases beyond your expectations without you having an additional bit of host server capacity to deal with the surge, it can cause your WordPress website to crash. Of course, there is no way to predict how heavy the load on your website will be; that’s where cloud hosting comes in. Major companies; like, Bluehost, offer the option of using a cloud server to protect websites from a sudden crash. Despite what you might think, it is not expensive at all; there are a lot of articles that can explain how you can find a cheaper hosting solution at Bluehost. What is highly valuable, about the cloud hosting service is that it increases your website’s flexibility to cater more people. For you to provide that for yourself, it would be a lot costlier and too high-maintenance.

cloud-hosting WordPress Hosting Services You Can't DIY vps webhosting wordpress


Storage Services

Another critically important service that companies provide easily is storage space. Because of the great amount of resources available to them. Service providers often have specialized locations to keep their hardware; areas with high security measurements and cooling systems, not to mention, high quality hardware. In doing so, they guarantee a huge storage capacity, increased data security, and most importantly, the ability to backup your data. On the contrary, the gear you purchase for yourself may not be of the best quality since, most equipment tends to be quite expensive. In addition, there’s always the possibility that your equipment overheats or gets stolen; which can cause you to lose all your data if you don’t have backups. Now, keep in mind that keeping backups of every single byte of data is not an easy task to do. Service providers, however, they offer that as part of your normal package.

Domain Names

Sometimes, as a bonus feature, WordPress hosting service providers offer free domain names as a part of their package. If you don’t already know this, domain names are a somewhat significant yearly cost. Now, if you’re a DIY host, you’ll need to pay a domain purchasing service for one of their available names. But, if you’re subscribed to the right hosting service, you’ll find that they already offer the option of cheap domain registration, as well.

domain-names WordPress Hosting Services You Can't DIY vps webhosting wordpress


To sum up, while DIY hosts and WordPress hosting companies have many aspects in common, they differ in others. Due to their large capital and their resources and expertise, hosting companies are capable of offering services that a DIY host can’t. They provide regular diagnostic tests and maintenance operations, as well as, efficient problem fixing; they have a specialized team. Plus, they give you the option of storing your data on a cloud server, which provides extra security and support for a website. Companies also provide data backup services and keep their hardware protected and stored off-site in designated locations. Finally, they also provide cheap and easy domain registration. With that being said, good luck choosing a suitable WordPress host.

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