2015 – Adsense Earning Statistics

Happy New Year 2016 and here is a quick summary of the Adsense activities in 2015.

The average monthly earnings are 25.70 GBP (total 308.36 GBP, MAX = 42.98, MIN = 17.69). I spent more than 30GBP per months on VPS, domains, CDN and most importantly, the dedicated time. Therefore, it is currently far from making both ends meet.

Donations are very much appreciated by the way.

The page views (only with adsense shown) are 286,657 (average 23,888, MAX = 26,826, MIN = 20,293)

The average clicks per month are 117 (total 1415, max=155, min=81)

The percentages for each domain:

  1. 66% helloacm.com 204.07 GBP (page view = 193514)
  2. 24.1% justyy.com 74.43 GBP (page view = 60451)
  3. 5.4% rot47.net 16.72 GBP (page view = 14223)
  4. 2% codingforspeed.com 6.22 GBP (page view = 6637)
  5. 1.2% steakovercooked.com 3.75 GBP (page view = 9440)

I decided not to put adsense on domain uploadbeta.com and therefore the data is not included here although it has some earnings (small portions).

Top countries:

adsense-countries 2015 - Adsense Earning Statistics adsense


  1. Unite States 119.47 GBP
  2. United Kingdom 65.53 GBP
  3. India 15.9 9GBP
  4. Germany 13.9 7GBP
  5. Canada 12.46 GBP
  6. China 10.46 GBP
  7. France 7.14 GBP
  8. Australia 5.58 GBP

–EOF (The Ultimate Computing & Technology Blog) —

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