NCrunch – Automatic Unit Testing Tool for C#

The company has purchased a license for each C# developer. It is a Visual Studio plugin that runs the unit tests automatically. So unit tests will be checked from time to time if you modify the source code. Errors will be reported instantly.

Features of NCrunch

1. Unit Tests set to run automatically in the background, so if developers break unit tests, he/she will be notified in the first place.

featureInlineExceptionDetails NCrunch - Automatic Unit Testing Tool for C# unit tests Visual Studio


2. NCrunch marks the code that takes longer to run

NCrunch NCrunch - Automatic Unit Testing Tool for C# unit tests Visual Studio


3. NCrunch gives a view of Code Test Coverage.

Visual Studio is monster, and installing too many plugins slow it down. So you would need a powerful PC to run NCrunch.

A SSD is essential for developers.

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