A Simple Msgbox Command Line Utility in Windows Batch

Sometimes, you want to invoke a messagebox dialog from the windows command line, and here is one that is written in Windows Batch.

@echo off
rem Example Msgbox "Hello World!"
rem https://helloacm.com/a-simple-msgbox-command-line-utility-in-windows-batch/

set TMPFILE="%~dp0%RANDOM%.vbs"
if not [%1]==[] (	
	echo MsgBox %1 > %TMPFILE%
	"cscript.exe" //Nologo %TMPFILE%
	del /f %TMPFILE%

The idea is to write a simple statement in VBScript, which is written into a temporary VBS file. In essence, the following single line VBScript statement is executed using cscripe.exe (or wscript.exe), with //NoLogo parameter to suppress information print-out.

msgbox %1

The usage is to wrap the text in double quotes, like this:

batch-msgbox A Simple Msgbox Command Line Utility in Windows Batch batch script vbscript windows batch windows command shell windows scripting host

Msgbox in Windows Batch

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  1. andy

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