Less Known HTML Tags

Here is a list of useful but may not be widely known HTML tags.

abbr or acronym

This is used to show the acronyms, so when the mouse is ontop of the text, it will show the hint.

<abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr> 



bdo reverses the text.

<bdo dir="rtl">Hello, World!</bdo>

Hello, World!


q tag wrap the text with double quotes.

<q>This is a quote</q>

This is a quote


Super scripts.

x<sup>2</sup> + y<sup>2</sup>

x2 + y2


Sub scripts.

x<sub>2</sub> + y<sub>2</sub>

x2 + y2

del or strike

Both mark the text with the cross line.

<del>Text marked as del</del>
<strike>Text marked as strike</strike>

Text marked as del
Text marked as strike


em is the same as I, making the text italic.


<blockquote cite="https://codingforspeed.com">Some Text Quoted from another source</blockquote>

Some Text Quoted from another source


strong is the same as B which makes the font in bold.

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