Another Batch Utility: Reverse the Given Text

If you have something that are not so important but prefer not so easy to read at first except to you. You can simply reverse the text. For example, reversing the text ‘Hello, World!’ becomes, ‘!dlroW ,olleH’.

To write a helpful utility is easy. Scripting languages are the best tools of making such tools. Simply read in the string and output the string in the reverse order. Windows batch programming can handle such easy jobs without any help of external programs (the users won’t need to download other external programs in order to make this work). The reason of choosing the batch script is that it is supported on every versions of Windows.

The following script first determines the length [see this post also] of the command line script parameters using %*, then a for /l loop is used to retrieve each character from left to right and append it to the final result from right to left (reverse order).

@echo off
:: reverse.bat
:: [email protected]

if [%1] neq [] goto start

echo Reverse Given Text
echo Usage: %0 text

goto :end

	set _len=0
	set _str=%*

	:: Get the length of the sentence
	set _subs=%_str%

	if not defined _subs goto :result

	::remove the first char
	set _subs=%_subs:~1%
	set /a _len+=1
	goto loop	
	set /a _len-=1
	for /l %%g in (0,1,%_len%) do (
		call :build %%g

	echo %s%
	goto :end

	:: get the next character
	call set _digit=%%_str:~%1,1%%%
	set s=%_digit%%s%


rev Another Batch Utility: Reverse the Given Text batch script beginner github implementation programming languages string tools / utilities tricks windows windows command shell

The source script is also available at [github]. The improvement can be found [here].

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