Batch Variable SubString Example – Extract Windows Version

In last post, we show you the way to extract substring in batch variable. Now let us review this by another example.

If you type in ver, you will get the version string at windows command line prompt.


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]

Now, if we use for to split the string into four substrings (only extract the last part, which is 6.3.9600] in this case) and we can get each number as we want.

D:\>type ver.bat

FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4" %%I IN ('VER') DO (
    SET Ver_Temp=%%L

SET Ver_Major=%Ver_Temp:~0,1%
SET Ver_Minor=%Ver_Temp:~2,1%
SET Ver_Build=%Ver_Temp:~-5,4%

ECHO Windows Version:
ECHO   Major %Ver_Major%
ECHO   Major %Ver_Minor%
ECHO   Build %Ver_Build%

The output is something like this:

Windows Version:
  Major 6
  Major 3
  Build 9600

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