C++ Coding Exercise: How to Check if a Large Integer is divisible by 11?

We all know that the 32-bit signed/unsigned integer takes 4 byte while 64-bit signed/unsigned integer takes 8 bytes to store. If there is a very big integer which is stored by a string e.g. “1234123412341289759687893247874” certainly we cannot hold this value exactly using the primitive data types. This article will show you a quick method to check if any large integer can be divided by 11.

A little Math

We have this integer: tex_18e2723af4e2155cbb7b7b110f2f16e5 C++ Coding Exercise: How to Check if a Large Integer is divisible by 11? c / c++ implementation math programming languages , so mathematically it can be expressed as: tex_725b1e98a55ffdae90e36a83eabb85fe C++ Coding Exercise: How to Check if a Large Integer is divisible by 11? c / c++ implementation math programming languages

We know that 1, 100, 10000, 100000, .. tex_a273f61ac2f25731319c96a8b8978118 C++ Coding Exercise: How to Check if a Large Integer is divisible by 11? c / c++ implementation math programming languages modular 11 has the remainder 1 and 10, 1000, 100000… tex_49d021e6332b174bd49435a773227700 C++ Coding Exercise: How to Check if a Large Integer is divisible by 11? c / c++ implementation math programming languages modular 11 has the remainder -1.

Therefore, if n is odd: tex_6bde12e981260c4a8cdec8ec0180c209 C++ Coding Exercise: How to Check if a Large Integer is divisible by 11? c / c++ implementation math programming languages otherwise: tex_db6c63319d3f480b84156360c908dba6 C++ Coding Exercise: How to Check if a Large Integer is divisible by 11? c / c++ implementation math programming languages

So, to sum up, we just need to check the alternating sum of the digits: tex_cfd9f0ebe8d31469a2e9dc51c34890d9 C++ Coding Exercise: How to Check if a Large Integer is divisible by 11? c / c++ implementation math programming languages to see if the sum (of course smaller and can be hold by primitive data types) can be divisible by 11.

For example, 3619 can by devisible by 11 because +3-6+1-9=-11 which is divisible by 11.

C++ Code

So, the following is the C++ code implementation based on the above idea and the STL::string type.

bool DivBy11(string num) {
    int sign = 1;
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < num.length(); i ++) {
        sum += (sign) * (num[i] - 48);
        sign *= -1;
    return sum % 11 == 0;
bool DivBy11(string num) {
    int sign = 1;
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < num.length(); i ++) {
        sum += (sign) * (num[i] - 48);
        sign *= -1;
    return sum % 11 == 0;

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