Coding and Animation in Gaming

Something not often mentioned on Technology of Computing is the interesting relationship between coding and gaming. Of course the two fields have a close relationship since all gaming is reliant on coding. Whilst it’s not quite true to say that coding is equally reliant on gaming, it is undoubtedly the case that the particular demands placed on designers by the gaming market present some exciting coding challenges and propel the development of coding along a fascinating channel.

computer-keyboard Coding and Animation in Gaming animation code games

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Simple Flash Games

Of course we all know and love that classic genre of simple flash games. Sites such as Kongregate offer hours of free distraction when you’re waiting for trains and planes or hours of procrastination when you just can’t bring yourself to work or study!

play-online Coding and Animation in Gaming animation code games


The key to their appeal is their simplicity and although the coding behind them isn’t anything to really marvel at it’s the playability and the addictive quality of these sorts of game that makes them so winning. Some of them are button-bashers and some of them are real puzzlers but they’re all a perfect example of how sometimes the simple pleasures are truly life’s treasures!

Gambling Software

sony-joystick Coding and Animation in Gaming animation code games


Gambling software is big business and key companies in the industry develop a wide variety of slot games that work on specific algorithms to work out if plays win or lose. Of course the quality of the gaming experience itself is also critical and slot machines now come in hundreds of varieties with almost every conceivable theme to suit players of every taste. It’s a step up from the simple flash games and of course the inclusion of the possibility of winning big increases the thrill of each play and gets the adrenalin flowing. Nextgen gaming slots are some of the games you might well have played before without knowing it as they tend to be found across a range of the best online casinos.

Consoles and PC Gaming

Some of the most impressive coding in the gaming world can be found in the realm of console and PC games. This is the area in which such feats as the design of the extensive free-roaming landscape of GTA are pioneered. This is also the field that has produced perfectly accurate flight simulators and terrifyingly realistic war games such the Call of Duty series.

There are various programming languages used for the crafting of today’s console and PC games such as C++, CSS3 and SQL. This article gives a nice introduction to the topic if you’re thinking of trying your hand at it and want to know how to get started.

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