Compute PowerMod a^b%n

Q: List and compare the methods to compute tex_4e318e0f11b1cbf9194dbc0e025a0717 Compute PowerMod a^b%n algorithms brute force code code library implementation interview questions math programming languages python recursive tricks where a, b, n are positive integers.

A: We have four methods. The first one is to naively compute the value but this is unprofessional and does not work if tex_ad68cb15ab4e6c9d3aa23d421625d67a Compute PowerMod a^b%n algorithms brute force code code library implementation interview questions math programming languages python recursive tricks is very large that might overflow (e.g. a 32-bit or 64-bit cannot hold numbers like tex_6ac9b953c7ded3cca17228d3661b5e79 Compute PowerMod a^b%n algorithms brute force code code library implementation interview questions math programming languages python recursive tricks .

However, in Python, if you write math expressions like the following, it will still work, I guess the implementation does not bruteforce compute the tex_ad68cb15ab4e6c9d3aa23d421625d67a Compute PowerMod a^b%n algorithms brute force code code library implementation interview questions math programming languages python recursive tricks

print 2**999999%147

The answer 50 is computed almost instantly. However, if you write.

print 2**999999

The python console almost hangs.. So it is obvious a hidden power-mod rule applies. So the first function is simple but yet only ‘OK’ in Python. This certainly does not work for some other programming languages if the code is translated and compiled as the way it looks e.g. compute tex_ad68cb15ab4e6c9d3aa23d421625d67a Compute PowerMod a^b%n algorithms brute force code code library implementation interview questions math programming languages python recursive tricks and do the module operator.

def powermod1(a, b, n):
    return a**b%n

The second method is to apply multiplication and mod iteratively for tex_ad68cb15ab4e6c9d3aa23d421625d67a Compute PowerMod a^b%n algorithms brute force code code library implementation interview questions math programming languages python recursive tricks . Decompose this into a for loop that do multiplication with number a, b times. In order to avoid that tex_ad68cb15ab4e6c9d3aa23d421625d67a Compute PowerMod a^b%n algorithms brute force code code library implementation interview questions math programming languages python recursive tricks becomes large, use % at each step which does not affect the final result. Therefore, the following is memory-efficient.

def powermod2(a, b, n):
    r = 1
    for i in xrange(b):
        r = r * a % n
    return r

The third method and the fourth method are both based on the following property.

For any positive integers, a > 0, b > 0, n > 0, tex_9232a5d60b279c1d3fee21d3e87d9641 Compute PowerMod a^b%n algorithms brute force code code library implementation interview questions math programming languages python recursive tricks .

Therefore, the non-recurisve method decomposes the exponential value.

def powermod3(a, b, n):
    r = 1
    while b > 0:
        if b & 1 == 1:# odd number
            r = r * a % n
        b /= 2
        a = a * a % n
    return r

while the recursive presents the same idea.

def powermod4(a, b, n):
    if b == 1:
        return a % n
    r = powermod4(a, b / 2, n)
    r = r * r % n
    if (b & 1) == 1: # odd number
        r = r * a % n
    return r

Both approaches ensures the algorithm complexity of tex_a81623354a71652bfc74f017ce172d04 Compute PowerMod a^b%n algorithms brute force code code library implementation interview questions math programming languages python recursive tricks . The fourth method has one recurisve call that has half exponent (reduced complexity). For example, tex_67a7b00fc031b27c4f573daa802b21b5 Compute PowerMod a^b%n algorithms brute force code code library implementation interview questions math programming languages python recursive tricks where tex_83b6b9e426746ad041980641c0b80d05 Compute PowerMod a^b%n algorithms brute force code code library implementation interview questions math programming languages python recursive tricks and tex_a9e93ccf490cce1f77bf5ea7cd139985 Compute PowerMod a^b%n algorithms brute force code code library implementation interview questions math programming languages python recursive tricks .

The following lists all these four methods and use package time to measure the performances. Be noted that we pick a relatively large exponent so a difference in time can be noticed. For small exponents, there is not much noticable performance difference on modern PCs.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from time import time

def powermod1(a, b, n):
    return a**b%n

def powermod2(a, b, n):
    r = 1
    for i in xrange(b):
        r = r * a % n
    return r
def powermod3(a, b, n):
    r = 1
    while b > 0:
        if b & 1 == 1:
            r = r * a % n
        b /= 2
        a = a * a % n
    return r

def powermod4(a, b, n):
    if b == 1:
        return a % n
    r = powermod4(a, b / 2, n)
    r = r * r % n
    if (b & 1) == 1:
        r = r * a % n
    return r

a = 2
b = 99999999
c = 147

starttime = time()
print powermod1(a, b, c)
print time() - starttime

starttime = time()
print powermod2(a, b, c)
print time() - starttime

starttime = time()
print powermod3(a, b, c)
print time() - starttime

starttime = time()
print powermod4(a, b, c)
print time() - starttime

One output on Intel i7, Win7-64 bit, 16GB, Python 2.7 is


The third and last methods present the best performances.

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