Does Blocking Adsense Categories Help in Earnings?

There are lots of tricks to improve your adsense earnings, and blocking low-earning cateogries ads is one of them. Blocking Low Earnings Adsense Cateogries is one of the simplest, easist and straightforward approaches. It disallows some ads showing on your pages, while promoting good-quality ads.

Idendify Low Earnings Ads

First, you have to let your ads running for at least 30 days. This is for Adsense to gather enough statistics. You can navigate to [Allow & Blog Ads], click the column [% Earnings (last 30 days)] to sort the earnings in non-decending order.

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Now, scroll to the bottom and you’ll find the least-earning ads categories.

Block These Categories

What to do next seems obvious. Now you can block these low-earning ads. Do this under both “General Categories” and “Sensitive Categories”. You can also choose the strategy by blocking the least-shown ads (sorted by impressions).


I have compared the adsense earning reports, and the results shown after blocking low-earning ads categories are simply amazing. I have gained around 50% extra earnings!

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Google Adsense Improvement Tips

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