How to Check Server Response Time using cURL command line?

Open any linux command line shell, and type in the following and hit return (remember to substitute the domain URL).

curl -o /dev/null -s -w %{time_total}\\n
curl -o /dev/null -s -w %{time_total}\\n  //

Example response:


It means the currently the server takes 0.028 second to responses to any requests. This is useful to check if you need to increase the timeout for your own APIs. For example, some bots have a 2 second timeout.

If you keep experiencing long response time (more than 1 second), then it is time to optimize your server or upgrade your server hardware. Shorter response time, better server performance. If you have long response time, it might be due to a large number of requests at a time.. e.g. D-DOS attacks.

cURL for windows can be downloaded here.

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