One Interesting Linux Command (Steam Locomotive in BASH)

Linux is an open-source free project, which involves many excellent developers from all over the world. They contribute to this excellent operation system. They are creative and make this OS enjoyable.

ls (list files and directories) is the most popular and well-known Linux commands. If you are a system adminstrator, you ‘ll probably type this command a hundred times per day during your work e..g configuration of web server etc. Sometimes, you fingers messes up and you type sl instead. Instead of telling you that command not found you can be amused by this actual sl program. But of course, you have to install it first e.g. by sudo apt-get install sl under Ubuntu.

sl One Interesting Linux Command (Steam Locomotive in BASH) animation BASH bash script BASH Shell beginner linux non-technical tools / utilities Ubuntu

It will show a short animation of a train coming from right to left in the shell. The command exits and telling you that you probably need a rest…

You might wonder who wrote this, and you can type man sl to view the information.

mansl One Interesting Linux Command (Steam Locomotive in BASH) animation BASH bash script BASH Shell beginner linux non-technical tools / utilities Ubuntu

BASH Programming/Shell

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  1. grammar nazi

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