Two Most Effective Freeware to Speedup Computer: CCleaner and Defraggler

If you are on Windows OS, and you feel the OS is becoming slower day by day, then the following two freeware can be useful. The freeware CCleaner and Defraggler are both produced by a company in London: Pireform. I normally schedule the OS to perform the cleanup and disk de-fragment on Friday afternoon when I am off work.


The CCleaner can free up disk space very quickly. Do this once a day wouldn’t harm you or your computer (or at system startup).

ccleaner Two Most Effective Freeware to Speedup Computer: CCleaner and Defraggler software download tools / utilities



The OS will be slow if the system files are in fragment meaning that the computer needs to move the pointer forward and backward to fetch different pieces of data when loading some files. You can use the following freeware to perform a quick de-fragment on hard disks and optimisation as well. However, if your disk is SSD, then you don’t need de fragment at all while the tool offers some other features related to SSD.

defraggler Two Most Effective Freeware to Speedup Computer: CCleaner and Defraggler software download tools / utilities


Both software can be obtained from

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