Ping when VPS/Dedicate Server is Restarting

If you have a VPS or dedicate server, you can issue the following command to let your server restarts (as root user):

sudo shutdown -r now
sudo shutdown -r now

If you issue ping command at the mean time, you can watch the progress of the system restarting:

vps-restart-ping Ping when VPS/Dedicate Server is Restarting apache server BASH Shell network quickhostuk Shell Scripts vps webhosting


Any remote connections will abort and become unusable before the system has finished rebooting and become fully ready.

connection-close Ping when VPS/Dedicate Server is Restarting apache server BASH Shell network quickhostuk Shell Scripts vps webhosting


Here is a detailed explanation from QuickhostUK.

If you do extended ping like ping -t in DOS then reboot from your vps admin panel – vnc html5. you can watch the vps reboot. When you see eth0 down that means the network port to which your IP is bound is now down. You will see ping stop. Then the server will reboot. When you see eth0 up the server has bound the IP to the network port and you will see ping start again. Then the server will continue to boot. It will then eventually start your web server.. apachie or nginx or other? Then your site will also start loading. The site DNS points to IP so when you ping it’s actally pinging eth0 on the server.

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