Should I Ignore 429 Error (Too Many Requests) in AWS Health Monitor Checks or Health Canary in General?

Health Checks or Canaries are sending requests periodically to ensure the API or services are working healthy.

Should I Ignore 429 Error in Health Canary Checks in General?

The HTTP 429 status code means “Too Many Requests” and indicates that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. If you’re seeing this in the context of AWS, it’s likely because AWS services are rate-limiting your requests to protect the service.

Ignoring or bypassing this rate limit would be inadvisable for several reasons:

Hervice Health

AWS rate limits requests to ensure that the service remains healthy and available to all users. Sending too many requests can potentially degrade the service’s performance.


Some AWS services charge based on the number of requests. Ignoring rate limits can lead to a higher AWS bill.

Potential Service Disruption

Repeatedly hitting the rate limits and ignoring them could lead AWS to take further actions against your account, potentially leading to a disruption in your service.

Best Strategy to Test API with Rate Limits

Instead of trying to ignore the 429 error, you should consider the following:

Retries with Exponential Backoff

Implementing retries with exponential backoff can be an effective way to handle rate-limited requests. AWS SDKs often have this built-in.

Adjust Request Rates

If possible, modify your application logic to send fewer requests or spread requests over a longer period of time.

Request Increased Limits

If you genuinely have a use-case that requires higher request rates, you can contact AWS support to request a rate limit increase for the specific service.


Depending on your use case, caching might help reduce the number of requests you need to make to AWS services.

Review Documentation

Ensure you’re using the service correctly and efficiently. AWS documentation will usually provide best practices and guidance on how to interact with the service to avoid rate limits.

TLDR; Conclusion of Testing API that might be rate limited

You can also adjust the frequency or mechanism of your checks might help alleviate hitting rate limits.

Always approach rate limits with respect and consider them as signals that you might need to adjust how you’re interacting with the service. Ignoring or attempting to bypass them can lead to unintended negative consequences.

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