Teaching Kids Programming – Compute the Number of Sublists by Combination in Math

Teaching Kids Programming: Videos on Data Structures and Algorithms

Previously, we know there are 45 continuously increasing digits (each digit is 1 plus its previous digit) such as 12, 23, 12345. This can actually be computed via Math Combination.

The numbers are actually the sublists of “123456789” and thus we have C(9, 2) to pick a left index and right index. Also we have C(9, 1) to pick a single digit, and thus:

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The C(N, M) function is a combination that represents the number of ways of picking M out of N. And it is equal to:

tex_ddc15e84971a0b0b9d6830be642af721 Teaching Kids Programming - Compute the Number of Sublists by Combination in Math algorithms Combinatoric Mathematics math python teaching kids programming youtube video

In particular, when M is two:

tex_144da9f9d602311cf88eda5864d0a334 Teaching Kids Programming - Compute the Number of Sublists by Combination in Math algorithms Combinatoric Mathematics math python teaching kids programming youtube video

And thus the number of sublists for a N-length string is:

tex_c000ef27178bed99ea9f3a4b48299a3d Teaching Kids Programming - Compute the Number of Sublists by Combination in Math algorithms Combinatoric Mathematics math python teaching kids programming youtube video

Thus, usually if we want to bruteforce all sublists – the time complexity is tex_9cfd05050619ca8969cd5f86555899ed Teaching Kids Programming - Compute the Number of Sublists by Combination in Math algorithms Combinatoric Mathematics math python teaching kids programming youtube video

We can use the following Python code to add up to the number of sublists:

def f(n):
    s = 0
    c = 0
    for i in range(n):
        c += 1
        s += c
    return s
def f(n):
    s = 0
    c = 0
    for i in range(n):
        c += 1
        s += c
    return s

The first few numbers are: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28.

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