Teaching Kids Programming – Estimate the Math Continued Fraction Value in Python (Recursion and Iterative Algorithm)

Teaching Kids Programming: Videos on Data Structures and Algorithms

Let’s take a look at this golden ratio continued fraction:

continued-fraction-golden-ratio Teaching Kids Programming - Estimate the Math Continued Fraction Value in Python (Recursion and Iterative Algorithm) algorithms math python teaching kids programming youtube video


We can see the pattern is recursive (infinitely) and thus we can replace portion of the expression with itself:

continued-fraction-math Teaching Kids Programming - Estimate the Math Continued Fraction Value in Python (Recursion and Iterative Algorithm) algorithms math python teaching kids programming youtube video


tex_3c6b5bbc27aeb8f57ee03e299caa32a7 Teaching Kids Programming - Estimate the Math Continued Fraction Value in Python (Recursion and Iterative Algorithm) algorithms math python teaching kids programming youtube video


tex_8f8c80fe5c744cdc60e9f110ad1edb0e Teaching Kids Programming - Estimate the Math Continued Fraction Value in Python (Recursion and Iterative Algorithm) algorithms math python teaching kids programming youtube video
tex_ef9831f73af55d84ed80672272423e8f Teaching Kids Programming - Estimate the Math Continued Fraction Value in Python (Recursion and Iterative Algorithm) algorithms math python teaching kids programming youtube video
So we have a positive root:
tex_4fe6bb6bcea5023929d11bb01d7b8ad1 Teaching Kids Programming - Estimate the Math Continued Fraction Value in Python (Recursion and Iterative Algorithm) algorithms math python teaching kids programming youtube video which is the golden ratio.

Similarly, if the continued fraction is [2:2,2,2,2,2….], the value is tex_cf840b8ee8bbe81a3b3102db560c3507 Teaching Kids Programming - Estimate the Math Continued Fraction Value in Python (Recursion and Iterative Algorithm) algorithms math python teaching kids programming youtube video

We can use the values from both to estimate the value of tex_3465436171544e80153da867dc2eadb0 Teaching Kids Programming - Estimate the Math Continued Fraction Value in Python (Recursion and Iterative Algorithm) algorithms math python teaching kids programming youtube video and tex_a783324469214c9697e52ce269954017 Teaching Kids Programming - Estimate the Math Continued Fraction Value in Python (Recursion and Iterative Algorithm) algorithms math python teaching kids programming youtube video by evaluating the continued fraction.

We can implement the continued fraction using the following Python code (Recursive manner). The parameter n is the number of the iterations to go. Beware that when n is large, the Recursion may be causing stack-over-flow if compiler hasn’t been able to tail optimise it.

def continuedFraction(n, a):
    if n == 0:
        return a / (a + a/a)
    return a / (a + continuedFraction(n - 1, a))
def continuedFraction(n, a):
    if n == 0:
        return a / (a + a/a)
    return a / (a + continuedFraction(n - 1, a))

We can also do this iteratively (and in practice more efficient than the Recursive version):

def continuedFraction(n, a):
    ans = 0
    for _ in range(n):
        ans = a / (a + ans)
    return ans
def continuedFraction(n, a):
    ans = 0
    for _ in range(n):
        ans = a / (a + ans)
    return ans

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