Teaching Kids Programming – Introduction to Permutation and Combination

Teaching Kids Programming: Videos on Data Structures and Algorithms

Permutation and Combination are the math concepts to count. Given N items, if we want to choose M items (M no bigger than N) from it, there are C(N, M) ways if the order does not matter, or P(N, M) is the order matters.


If there are N items, we have N choices for the first item, and N-1 for the second item and so on. Thus:

tex_e5c3955b12eec3ddc25eea99a99667ea Teaching Kids Programming - Introduction to Permutation and Combination algorithms Combination Combinatoric Mathematics math Permutation programming languages python recursive teaching kids programming youtube video
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In particular:
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For Combination, the order does not matter. So we can first count the P(N, M) and then divide by P(M, N).

tex_bb979bba6ad7fe95cb3aee4bc660f5c9 Teaching Kids Programming - Introduction to Permutation and Combination algorithms Combination Combinatoric Mathematics math Permutation programming languages python recursive teaching kids programming youtube video
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In particular:
tex_4e71b9eba27b0d6d48e1974f1c246e90 Teaching Kids Programming - Introduction to Permutation and Combination algorithms Combination Combinatoric Mathematics math Permutation programming languages python recursive teaching kids programming youtube video
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Choosing M items from N is the same as choosing N-M items from N:

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Dynamic Programming to Compute the Combination

If we want to calculate C(N, M), for the last item, we can choose to pick or not pick. If we pick, we have C(N-1, M-1), if we don’t pick the last item, then we have C(N-1, M). Therefore:

tex_2c26edf2b163b8221e9c8f78243a34a3 Teaching Kids Programming - Introduction to Permutation and Combination algorithms Combination Combinatoric Mathematics math Permutation programming languages python recursive teaching kids programming youtube video

To implement this in Python via Recursive Algorithm with Memoization aka Dynamic Programming Algorithm:

# caching the intermediate results
def C(N, M):
  if M == N or M == 0:
    return 1
  if M == 1:
    return N
  return C(N - 1, M - 1) + C(N - 1, M) 
# caching the intermediate results
def C(N, M):
  if M == N or M == 0:
    return 1
  if M == 1:
    return N
  return C(N - 1, M - 1) + C(N - 1, M) 

Pascal Triangle and Combination

Revisit the Pascal Triangle:

1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1

We can see for the numbers in Pascal Triangle, we can see it equals to those two numbers above it – which perfectly maps to the Combination Formula.

Permutations and Combinations

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