The SteemIt Discord Bot Upgrade and API

Previously, we talked about the steemit discord bot (public bot), which can be invited to any discord server using the following link.

Today, it has been upgraded to support the P command.

discord-steemit-bot-suggestion The SteemIt Discord Bot Upgrade and API API discord SteemIt


The command can take an optional parameter (which is default 100). The output will suggest if you should choose Power Up 100% or 50%/50% given the current feed price, market sbd/steem price etc.

If the final amount of payout difference is no more than 1 USD, it should say It doesn’t matter

Discord Bot Power-Up Suggestions API

Example output:

{"feed_price": 3.263, "suggestion": "50/50", "sp_100": 153.23322096230464, "total_sbd_100": 142.6369755201814, "total_sbd_50": 309.32883604232825, "sbd_50": 250.0, "market_price_100": 533.5136377566657, "sbd_100": 0, "market_price_50": 1157.0012051792828, "sp_50": 76.61661048115232, "sbd_market_price_usd": 3.74036, "sp_market_price_usd": 3.48171}


You may also like: Discord 和公众号都启用 强大的 P命令

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