Utopian Chrome Extension v0.0.9: Integrate Stats API + Add Node List

Utopian Moderators & Supervisors

Utopian Moderators & Supervisors is a Chrome Extension that can be installed via Chrome Webstore.

If you are using Firefox, you can still install this Extension by Chrome Extension Foxified

Utopian Moderators & Supervisors, as its name suggests, help the moderators & supervisors during their moderation or supervision by providing a few useful tools, charts and statistics.

Technology Stack

Javascript that runs in Chrome.

This Commits

This Commits version 0.0.9 Includes: Bug Fixes, Minor Tweaks, Code Refactoring, most importantly the Stats API and Node List options.

It also includes the contributions from @ms10398 Voting Power & Reputation Bug Fix and Estimated Account Value Feature added (Pull Request Merged).


Stats Tab integrates the Utopian Stats API:

utopian-stats-steemit Utopian Chrome Extension v0.0.9: Integrate Stats API + Add Node List chrome extension SteemIt


A list of Steem Nodes to Pick.

utopian-chrome-extension-setting-nodes Utopian Chrome Extension v0.0.9: Integrate Stats API + Add Node List chrome extension SteemIt




Previous Contributions

Roadmap of Utopian Moderators & Supervisors

The latest version 0.0.9 is now polished in terms of features and functionalities liked by many moderators/supervisors, but not so much in design. So it can be foreseen that the future releases will be focusing on more UI design (e.g. CSS design).

Any good suggestions, please shout!

Chrome Webstore

Install the Utopian Chrome Extension Now!

Contribution Welcome

Github: https://github.com/DoctorLai/utopian-moderator

  • Fork it!
  • Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  • Commit your changes: git commit -am ‘Add some feature’
  • Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  • Submit a pull request.

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648 words
Last Post: SteemTools v0.0.2 New Features: Query Delegatees and Basic Search and More
Next Post: SteemTools v0.0.3 New Features: Query Delegators and Nodes/Server Configuration

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