Are VPS or Shared Servers Free from Data Corruptions due to Disk Failures? (RAID Support)

The Dedicated Servers don’t have direct hardware orchestration, thus we need to make sure the data is backup regually. It is highly recommended that we have the RAID in place to ensure data recovery in case one or more disk is failing. And most VPS Hosting companies provide (usually paid) additional backup services.

database Are VPS or Shared Servers Free from Data Corruptions due to Disk Failures? (RAID Support) backup RAID vps


For VPS or Shared Servers, due to virtualization, we don’t access the host hardware directly. Thus, do we need to worry about the disk failures? Do the VPS hosting providers provide RAID support?

The TLDR is: yes, most VPS providers have RAID in place so that when disks are failing, they are replaced in time. However, it is still highly recommended to backup data ourselves on our end (locally or on other cloud servers).

Here are a few answers from some VPS providers when I asked them: May I have the confidence that the data stored on VPS is safe from the disk corruptions (HDD/SSD failures)?

There is no way you can view it (RAID configuration) but we have raid-10 configured with weekly backups for our safety purpose.

Our nodes and backup servers run on RAID 10 storage with proactive RAID monitoring, with its own dedicated private backup network. We offer daily backups as a service. You also can take snapshots of your server. However, the above mentioned backup/snapshot features are only available for Scalable Cloud Servers. For VPS, it’s recommended to take necessary backup locally on your end.

All our servers are Raid protected and we also provide snapshot backup.

We utilize hardware RAID with redundancy on most our nodes. The ones without HW raid are not used for new account deployments, but even those nodes utilize software RAID. We do not have a single node without redundancy of some kind. We also offer manual snapshots and automated backups.

Yes, it will be safe for sure. However, not everything is in our control. We assure that we could take alternative action for every challenge and issue.

Our storage plans have raid z2 configuration and we use RAID z1 in SSD plans, So data loss due to disk failure is very very minimal.

Vultr’s proprietary architecture employs varying degrees of system-level redundancy and data protection across all nodes to ensure system availability.

The snapshot feature offers optimized storage on redundant clustered file systems for ease of image storage/deployment. Our subscription-based backup service also utilizes redundant file systems and exists independently of the respective nodes (in the same geographical region — at present).

Please Note:
No level of redundancy is a substitute for proper backups. We strongly recommend all subscribers back up mission-critical data in accordance with applicable regulatory and organizational business requirements, whether by subscribing to our service, doing your own or by using a third party.

As an example, I have 20+ VPS servers, and three of them (different locations, different providers) are being used as a backup servers at the same time. Everyday, the cron job on all VPS servers will zip databases, and rsync all files to these three VPS servers.

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